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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221756-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1961
Country: USA
Location: Chicago,Illinois
TC Begins: 18:33:31
TC Ends: 18:47:53
Duration: 00:14:22
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Rocket launch w/ tilt up following. GOOD 18:34:27 dissolve to computer screen & Main Titles. 18:34:53 Staged bookkeeping w/ feathered pen; tracking shot past office workers working calculator / bookkeeping machines on desks. 18:35:29 Man emptying mailbag of returning checks; CU check w/ statistics over showing paperwork growth. 18:35:59 Merchandise National Bank of Chicago’s first General Electric / GE 210 system electronic computer w/ man operating; man beside punch card reader, reels on main frame & printer, pan along large consoles. 18:36:40 CU of check w/ tracking number, bank number & account information in magnetic ink. 18:37:25 View over shoulder of woman at computer typewriter / printer feeding check & punch card template w/ customer information to printer generating blank checks w/ bank information. Testing check sample. 18:38:06 CU of written check. 18:38:42 Woman at reader sorter machine loading computer; LS & CUs. 18:39:46 Reels of magnetic tape spinning in Ampex tape units. 18:40:24 CU of drawers of 17,000 checks / ledger cards, tilt up to woman holding reel of magnetic tape w/ equivalent storage. 18:40:41 CU high-speed Ampex printer printing pin-feed paper. 18:41:09 Man / console operator at desk looking at automatic typewriter & making notes; pushing buttons. 18:41:49 Woman loading punch cards for entry run, cards being read in reader sorter; gatehring cards out of sorted bins. 18:42:40 CU of tape running thru recorder; man looking at printout of high speed printer. 18:43:16 MS of console of running computer tape recorders; woman loading transaction tape on reader / recorder, closes door. 18:43:57 Lights on computer panel flashing. 18:45:02 CU High speed printer running. 18:45:29 Hour glass next to clock w/ hands turning fast - very 50s / 60s clean design look showing speed of work accomplished. 18:45:47 CU spinning computer tape reel; bouncing tape tension; printer printing, zoom in on printed customer bank balance statement. 18:46:26 MS across woman at card reader sorter; pan printer running, tape unit, central processor, operator’s console. 18:47:26 Men looking & pointing at & large sheets or architectural drawings in bank office. End Logo. Americana; Economics; Automation; Machine reader; Promotional Films; Educational Films; Instructional Films; Public Relations; Banking Industry; Financial Industries; Paperwork; NOTE: Entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: