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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221690-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1933,1934
Country: USA
Location: Chicago,Illinois
TC Begins: 14:07:54
TC Ends: 14:18:01
Duration: 00:10:07
Chicago World’s Fair, 1933 & 1934 View along avenue thru flags to Century of Progress building (?) w/ crowd walking & aerial tram crossing above. LS of crowd seated in sun watching ??. Men in straw hats; applauding; views of Clyde Beatty in cage w/ lions & tigers into cage & onto stands. 14:10:07 LS of many monkeys on concrete form of caves etc. running, leaping, sunning. MS. grooming; picking fleas. 14:11:12 People past castle-like building; LS. Open space w/ people on grass & rides (?) in background. MS people sliding down circular slide. People walking filling large avenue. 14:11:59 Crowd w/ large Ford exhibit pavilion behind. GM building. Century of Progress art deco building w/ support structures visible; MS w/ crowds past. CU of suspension wires holding roof. MCU entrance & crowd. 14:13:25 LS Chrysler Motors building w/ entrance gardens. LS GM & other buildings. 14:13:56 MCU of top of building (brief). LS of entrance to Travel And Transport Building. 14:14:09 LS Chrysler Motors building & reflecting pool. 14:14:22 Ford building w/ large buses of fair. Cars arriving & leaving; buses on exposition grounds, pedestrians. MS eight American flags on poles in breeze. 14:15:47 King Solomon’s Temple. 14:15:59 Huge wagon & statue of boy; other children’s statues, crowds beneath. Crowds along waterfront w/ boats loaded w/ visitors / tourists. 14:16:31 LS of amusement rides, ferris wheels; people walking along filling amusement section. LSs various views of grounds & buildings. 1933; 1934; World’s Fair; Entertainment; Trained Animals; Wild Animals; Acts; Architecture;