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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220308-37
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1963
Country: USA
Location: CHICAGO, Illinois,Omaha, nebraska
TC Begins: 10:59:50
TC Ends: 11:01:19
Duration: 00:01:29
World Premiere - “A Gathering of Eagles” Tells Story of SAC Air command base in Omaha, lawn + building with rocket in front. On airfield with plane, press gathering, Mary Peach, star of film Gathering of Eagles. CU Rock Hudson. US Air Force (bomber ?) planes on airfield. Rock Hudson and Mary Peach shown switchboard connecting to White House by officer. Chicago outside cinema for premiere with billboard, motorcade, CU billboard. Director Delbert Mann out of car, crowd outside cinema, Mary Peach out of car and up steps, then Rock Hudson. Rock w/ producer Sy Bartlett.