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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221605-17
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1939
Country: USA
Location: Chicago,Illinois
TC Begins: 19:39:53
TC Ends: 19:41:02
Duration: 00:01:09
World-Wide News Events - Chicago, ILL. 19:40:00 Aerial over large Rosenbaum & Norris grain elevator fire, multi-story brick factory buildings heavily damaged, fire hoses & water, smoke. 19:40:14 Ground, firefighting; firemen on trucks. People watching from on top of freight cars in railroad yard. Water streams onto fire. 19:40:29 Firemen carrying body on stretcher past railroad cars. LS burning building; CU flames. Burning freight cars in front of building. Collapsing walls in flames. LS flames. May39; 1939; Spectacular; NOTE: at 3532 E. 103nd St., & the Calumet River.