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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250119-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1918,1919,1917,1916
Country: USA
Location: Detroit,Michigan
TC Begins: 20:15:39
TC Ends: 20:29:16
Duration: 00:13:37
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Ca 1918 Mechanics working on large V-12 inboard motor, motor starting & puffs of smoke out of exhaust manifolds; one puts hand over carburetor. Boat, Miss Detroit III leaves dock & speeds across Lake, multiple times. 20:17:03 Iris in on Detroit Yacht Club marking on water w/ pilot & mechanic. Running past fast, to & from camera. Slowly to dock by camera. 20:17:49 MCU of mechanic (Jay Smith ?) posing w/ Gar Wood , both in life jackets. Boys & men pose on dock. 20:18:18 ca 1917. Men working on large wooden ship under construction in drydock; dissolve to ship w/ scaffolding around it; dissolve to ship on wooden base of dock w/ scaffolding removed. 20:18:55 Rooftops of ?? w/ two flag poles w/ American flags flying. View from ship and men running towards it to work. View of men lining dock, tugs around newly constructed large ship on wooden float. 20:19:24 ca 1917. Women working, watching bottles of ?? filling on rotating machine. Other machinery working. Black man at belt driven bottle-capper. White man at ?? machine standing bottles upright. 20:20:07 ca 1917 Small baby boy laughing w/ chocolate or ?? on hands, face & jar in front of cupboard. 20:20:19 Large steaming kettles, men dumping sugar & ?? into them. MCU steaming; men check & then tilt to pour into smaller kettles / buckets / containers. 20:21:01 Frozen lake & spectators watching man on ice-skates leap three, four, five barrels, falls. 20:21:42 Skating sprint race on ice. 20:21:50 Black Model T parked in field w/ white sheep around it. 20:22:05 Large ore-carrier unloading by clam-shell shovels. Men working inside hold, guide buckets. LS dumping into pile beside railroad cars. VERY GOOD. 20:23:25 Biplane stunting, looping the loop. 20:23:52 Pilots, crew & army biplanes on grass field; five airplanes fly over hangers. Large army biplanes starting motors, taxi & take off. 20:24:46 Four women walk along ?? LS of women in rowboat & others on dock, kids playing games in front of large ornate multi-story boathouse . MCU two women rowing in wooden rowboat, one picks a water lilly & smells it. 20:25:33 Large group of women knitting on lawn. Woman & small children on lawn. Girl in white blouse & neckerchief ringing school bell on steps of ?? Kids napping on grass under trees in front of playground equipment; get up & run to slide & older girls sliding down it. 20:26:31 Woman & young girls & boys in large rowboat in lake; diving off pier. 20:26:57 Fishermen climbing up bank above river. 20:27:18 Large log house w/ people on porch. 20:27:30 High angle of spectators watching marching units parade up street. Lower view of marching band, Boy Scouts marching. Trucks passing w/ signs re road safety. MS sign: Help Save These Children From A Similar Fate - Detroit Police. Inboard Motorboat Racing; Manufacturing; WWI; WW1; Winter; Summer Recreation; Summer Camp; Auto Safety; Highway Safety; 1910s; NOTE: Miss Detroit III won Gold Cup in 1918 & 1919. NOTE: Any or all sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: