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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220805-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1920s
Country: USA
Location: Detroit,Michigan
TC Begins: 08:02:04
TC Ends: 08:09:53
Duration: 00:07:49
1920s - USA, Industry: Newspaper Printing Titles 08:02:27 Paper boys out of newspaper building. Baseball game. Building on fire. 08:03:00 Interior newspaper office w/ reporters / writers; copy department w/ copywriters. 08:03:11 Linotypers at machines. Making of matrix & cylindrical plates. MCU completed plate & checking. 08:04:56 Plates attached to steel cylinders & going to press. 08:05:21 Row of newspaper presses & checking printed newspaper. 08:05:52 Ink arriving; newsprint delivery & storage - huge paper rolls loaded onto machines. 08:06:27 Presses running. Conveyors carry newspaper stacks from press to truck. 08:07:44 Newsboys boxing. Reading comics by running printing presses. 08:08:42 Brief - Playing tennis on the roof. Women telephonists working in small ads section. Newspaper readers on park bench w/ signs: Ladies Only; Men Only. Fat man sitting w/ women, laughing. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate.