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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220455-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1910s,1920s
Country: USA
Location: Detroit, Michigan
TC Begins: 01:28:50
TC Ends: 01:36:08
Duration: 00:07:18
1920s - USA Medicine: Hospital Facilities & Nurses Intertitle: Laundry - 7 1/2 Tons of Linen Are Laundered Daily. Washing And Drying 01:29:11 Man takes washing out of large machines & puts into cart. Large w/ women taking sheets off mangle / wringer & folding. Women workers ironing on individual ironing boards in room w/ wall of windows. 01:30:13 Intertitle: Linen storage room for daily requirements. Storage cabinets filled w/ sheets or table clothes, woman adding. 01:30:30 Intertitle: Kitchen where 4000 meals are prepared daily... 01:30:52 4 chefs / cooks in large clean bright kitchen preparing food. Stainless steel steam tables wheeled out w/ patients’ meals. 01:32:00 Intertitle: Bakery. Shiny ovens, tray of five loaves of bread taken out; cake taken out. 01:32:30 Intertitle: Food Storage Room. Cans stacked neatly filling tall shelves. 01:32:45 Intertitle: Maintenance Service. 01:32:51 Man sawing at bandsaw. 01:33:10 Woman writing at reception desk, two women applicants for nurses enter & talk w/ her, introduced to woman who leads them away. 01:34:03 Intertitle: The Social Director takes applicants to their rooms. They are shown their rooms, put down suitcases & take off coats, inspect the room. 01:35:10 Intertitle: To The Lounge For a Cup of Tea. W/ other nurses in large lounge w/ couches & fireplace. Applicants mingling w/ nurses in white uniforms & caps. Fade out. 1910s; 1920s Nursing Profession; Medicine; Self Promotion; NOTE: Hospital Was Opened in 01Oct15, expansion completed in 1921. NOTE: Good exposure and situations. Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. Ask Footage Farm Ltd staff about getting more complete copy.