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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250147-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1923
Country: USA
Location: Detroit,Michigan
TC Begins: 06:09:17
TC Ends: 06:20:40
Duration: 00:11:23
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1923 ca - USA Manufacturing: Story of the Gasoline Motor, The R1 of 3 Titles. 06:10:11 Aerial over Detroit. 06:10:22 Workers walking alongside factory. 06:10:25 Intertitles. 06:10:46 MCU Illustration of six-cylinder in-line engine. Title. Opposite side of engine. Cut-away w/ cylinders working. 06:11:12 Title: “Looking inside of of the cylinders it will be seen that seven fundamental parts... 06:11:21 Cutaway of cylinder w/ moving piston, connecting rod, crankshaft, inlet & exhaust valves & camshaft intercut w/ titles describing interconnected operation of the parts. 06:13:29 Intertitle: A spark occurs between the points of the spark plug... 06:13:38 Animation of result & four strokes of cycle. 06:14:31 Large crane w/ electromagnet loading iron. 06:14:43 CU Installed motor running. 06:14:48 Intertitle: ...manufacturing begins w/ the cylinder & crankshaft... 06:15:03 Engine block hanging from chain turned around. Title. Cutaway illustration of parts of block. 06:16:02 Men cleaning & pouring iron into molds for casting blocks. Furnace heating steel, tapping furnace & moving bucket, hoisting & pouring. 06:18:40 Intertitle: ...still some metal fins which must be removed in the tumbling machine. 06:18:51 Raw block hoisted into tumbler & turned. Finish block. Intertitle. Finishing the cylinder & crankcase casting in large machines. Intertitle re drilling holes in the casting. Machine drilling multiple holes. Automobile Industry; 1920s; Manufacturing Processes; Gasoline; Petroleum Industry; Heavy Industry; Steel; NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: