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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220788-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1967
Country: USA
Location: Detroit,Michigan
TC Begins: 04:22:51
TC Ends: 04:39:40
Duration: 00:16:49
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1967 - Color, Civil Rights, USA: Detroit Riot Aftermath, 26-27Jul67 Slate: 26Jul67. Roll 4. Jeeps loaded w/ soldiers & police pass by camera. CU, South East High School entrance. 04:23:50 Slate (dark). Interior, briefing session of colonel & staff in classroom, MCUs. Sign 3rd Brigade conference room. 04:27:08 Army cameraman filming session. CU various officers. 04:28:35 Slate: same. Soldier kneeling down laughing w/ two young black boys on street by open grate into building boarded up w/ plywood. Police w/ rifles / shot guns search trunk of car of white driver. CU Detroit Police 663096 on car door. 04:29:31 Car w/ Soul Brother painted on side & police get in w/ rifles, pan to blocked intersection. 04:29:47 MCU Black boy looking distrustful at police car; MCU older man looking (posed?). 04:30:05 MS, damaged dry cleaning store w/ broken windows / glass on sidewalk & pedestrians past. CUs. 04:30:55 MS, CU, burned out house. 04:31:21 Troops past in jeep. Aftermath of riot w/ burned out shops lining street; interior & view of gutted buildings & debris. Dawn Patrol Alarm sign. 04;32:57 Slow tracking shot along damaged street, soldiers in front of building. Black locals on street corner stopped by soldiers. 04:33:34 Police on sidewalk outside ??, soldier w/ rifle doing sentry duty on corner. 04:34:12 Soldiers w/ rifles blocking Black man in white dress shirt directs him around. CU street corner signs: Clinton & Beaubien w/ One Way sign, tilt down to soldiers on corner blocking civilians 04:34:41 Crowds & police outside of Wayne County Jail. Prisoners are taken from jail, led past & loaded onto buses for transfer to another jail. Line of soldiers on sidewalk; drive off in station wagons. 04:36:07 Black & White prisoners walked out of Wayne County Jail w/ hands on heads & loaded into bus, CU 82nd Airborne troops on guard duty. CUs. 04:37:07 Slate: 27Jul67 Camera: L.A. ?? Shots of Wayne County Sheriffs / police standing by w/ rifles as prisoners board buses. Bus leaves, another pulls up, prisoners out past guards & board. 04:38:43 Detroit Police Dept, 7th Precinct, 82nd Abn soldiers sitting on sidewalk behind sandbags on guard duty - sniper on roof w/ spotter looking thru binoculars. 04:39:21 MCU Black soldiers smoking. 12th Street Riot; Civil Disturbance; Damage; Policing; NOTE: Begun after police raid of unlicensed, after-hours bar early on Sunday, 23Jul67. 43 dead, 467 injured & over 7,200 arrests. Estimated more than 2,000 buildings destroyed NOTE: Entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: