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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221300-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1967
Country: USA
Location: Detroit,Michigan
TC Begins: 09:22:16
TC Ends: 09:34:57
Duration: 00:12:41
Detroit Riot, 26Jul67 Pt. 1 of 2 82nd Airborne beside jeeps, leaving building in riot area w/ rifle fitted w/ bayonets. Officer talking to them. Jeeps down residential street, past business shot from on jeep. Down alley, soldiers off & covering buildings w/ rifles. Soldier getting Blacks to move out of car; POV past burned storefronts, w/ signs. Debris on sidewalk. Past burned Salvation Army store. 09:26:14 Jeep arrives at corner, crowd beyond. Soldiers guarding fire truck in residential area. Kids watching. Burning building beyond soldier w/ rifle. Soldier on radio standing by jeep; crowd beyond watching. Kids on bicycles men walking looking, people on porches watching. Troops in street in MCU. Soldiers climbing onto jeeps, POV down street. 09:28:37 Troops inside school sleepign, resting. White soldier reading Holiday magazine. Soldiers sleeping. Playing cards. CU Airborne patch. Soldier sleeping in jeep. 09:30:37 Army vehicles parked in park seen from helicopter taking off. Aerials over undamaged residential area & buildings where military is based. Army vehicles parked in center of school cinder track. Residential area, light smoke in distance. No damage seen. Continued... Note: Rioting started by police raid on Blind Pig afterhours club where return of Vietnam veterans was being celebrated, lasted from 23-28Jul67 43 killed, 1189 injured, 7200 arrested. Ghetto; Negroes; Civil Rights; Poverty; Economics; National Guardsmen; 82nd Airborne Troops;