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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221628-12
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1936,1937
Country: USA
Location: Detroit,Flint,Michigan
TC Begins: 07:57:27
TC Ends: 08:04:38
Duration: 00:07:11
Flint, Michigan Auto Strike Sit-In ca 30Dec36; Cadillac Strike, 25Jan37 w/ Army & Machine Guns Speaker at rally of workers outside Flint, Michigan General Motors (?) factory. Bearded men w/ placard “we shave when victory is ours” march behind drum; pose. 07:57:58 Women w/ leaflets marching / picketing outside factory. 07:58:16 MCU Woman speaking into microphone (MOS); view from behind & in fornt. 07:58:33 MS & CUs Bearded men yellout out window; comb beards. 07:59:18 Men outside factory chanting, cheer leading to men in windows. Woman w/ home movie motion picture camera. 07:59:44 Traffic behind crowd on street. 07:59:50 Man in window as pirate w/ knife beteen teeth. 07:59:56 Woman w/ leaflets; leading cheers. CU women singing. 08:00:18 End - Black. 08:00:27 Flint, Michigan (?) Pickets outside office entrance. CU tight formation. Police pushing. Various shots; police on steps * across street. 08:02:02 Cadillac Plant (?) Army soldiers w/ rifles & bayonets in street marching, small machine gun on street behind. MS. 08:02:33 Soldiers w/ larger cannons or gatling guns ?? 08:02:46 Soldiers warm gloved hands over burn barrel. Soldiers lined across street at bridge. Army trucks & soldiers in ranks fixing bayonets. March past; drilling. 08:03:57 Workers watching from rooftop & windows of plant. 08:04:11 Soldiers at attention. Army trucks leaving. Soldiers patrol in front of watching crowd Depression; 1936; 1937; Labor Strikes; General Motors; Sit-Down Strike; Sit-In;