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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221263-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1959
Country: USA
Location: Michigan,Plum Hollow Golf Club Detroit
TC Begins: 11:28:11
TC Ends: 11:39:37
Duration: 00:11:26
Your Caddie, Sir (1959) Pt. 1 of 2 Western Golf Association Plum Hollow Golf Club Detroit Michigan. Players include Walter Burkemo, Horton Smith and Charles Evans Jr. 11:29:15 Bing Crosby intro from golf course. Jokes, gestures & speaks re the benefits of being a caddie. 11:30:54 On golf course, caddie w/ player. Caddie house, boys play basketball, table tennis & other games. Picking up trash, etc. Caddie Master talking to boy & showing him the rules. Caddie learning golf, taking lessons. Practicing. Getting paperwork. 11:32:54 Two caddies prepare clubs etc at start of round. Various clubs lined up, irons & woods and put in proper compartment. Checks for extra score club & pencil. Looks at bag tag to know his player’s name. 11:34:22 Caddie introducing himself to his player, Walter Burkemo. Walter Burkemo, Horton Smith & Charles Evans Jr. set off around the course. Caddies watching & holding clubs. CU golfer shaking head. 11:37:02 Stone with inscription at 4th hole re Duffers Take Heart. Game in progress walking the course w/ bags over shoulders. With golfers behind. Caddie arrives at ball first & golfer selects club and hits it off. Divot knocked loose & caddie returns it to hole so that it will re-root. Cleans off club. Continued... Sports; Recreation; Relaxation; Youth Earning; Learning; Training Film;