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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221331-07
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1960s,1970s
Country: USA
Location: Las Vegas,Nevada
TC Begins: 16:16:35
TC Ends: 16:28:16
Duration: 00:11:41
Long Weekend: The Odds Get Shorter Pt. 2 of 2 Dissolve & continued... Guy at card table; guy at slot machine; rolling dice. Four young women sitting at next lounge booth to airmen & they notice them; dancing w/ them in mini-skirts & hippy fashions. 16:17:59 Guys in swimming pool horsing around at motel. 16:18:38 Night & guys walking across Las Vegas street between casinos; dissolve to the four guys standing in sun againt blue sky w/ sign supered. 16:19:02 Guys teeing off on golf course. 16:19:08 Motel room & guy decideds its time to head back but all are dozing. VO about odds raised from 5000 to 1 to 1000 to 1 because of fatigue. Guys get into car, very tired. Car driving, blow-out. Pulled off road. At service station waiting for tire to be fixed. 16:21:49 From in front, car along highway. Pulled over by California State Patrol, gets ticket. Drives off w/ seat belt hanging out door. VO drops odds to 200 to 1. Driving at night; shaking head to stay away. CU blinking eyes. 16:24:20 Narrator to camera dropping odds to 40 to 1 because of time of day. 16:24:42 Montage: Sleepy driver; CU spinning hubcap; white line passing; guy wipping eyes, stretching. Lights out of focus. CU. Smoking cigarette. VO says 10 to 1. CU driving w/ cars passing. Highway sign: San Bernardino 36 miles, Los Angeles 91 miles. CU Norton AFB 17 miles. VO says its even money bet. View of car weaving. Eyes closing. 16:27:23 “...I’m only interested in the odds...only two kinds of gamblers, the pros & the suckers. The End. Military Educational Films; Gambling; Driving; Americana; 1960s; 1970s; Gamblers; Gambling; Morality;