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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221652-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1926
Country: England,United Kingdom
Location: London
TC Begins: 12:19:06
TC Ends: 12:22:28
Duration: 00:03:22
See: or contact us at: 1926 General Work Stoppage, London, England Continued from 221433-07. Stringing electrical wires while building construction in Hyde Park for distributing food supplies. 12:19:29 Delegates out of 10 Downing Street. Prime Minister Baldwin walking in garden. Reporters running out; police holding back people. Hyde Park distribution goods packed up. 12:20:46 Train signal operating; steam engine out of station; trucks out of factory gates. Looms working in textile mill; steel mill. Miners still on strike sitting in pits; loading coal from Hyde Park. 12:21:53 Ceremonial troops marching outside Buckingham Palace. Various national military officers in formal uniforms walking in London. 1926; 1920s; Labor Union; General Strike End; NOTE: combined 221433-07 & 221652-04 sold at per reel rate. See: or contact us at: