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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221802-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1930s,1934
Country: England,United Kingdom
Location: London
TC Begins: 18:00:02
TC Ends: 18:13:47
Duration: 00:13:45
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1934 ca - Traffic Safety, England: London Street Scenes & Belisha Beacons MS women waiting to cross busy London street w/ many buses, cars trucks & horse-drawn wagon. Good. 18:00:39 MCU Leslie Hore-Belisha, Minister of Transport, uses striped cigarette holder, smiles & smokes. 18:01:02 Bobby policeman directing traffic from island between lanes next to thin painted lines / zebra-stripe crossing; MS feet on pavement crossing. Passing vehicles & bicyclists / bicycles. 18:01:50 CU shiny metal “bricks / studs” to mark crosswalk on cobblestones. 18:02:02 Autogyro from ground; aerial from above over stripes & smoke rising. 18:02:12 MS Belisha beacon glass bowl on top of pole; MLS as people hurry past, traffic not stopping for pedestrians in street. Bowl. 18:02:50 Bowl on arm at base of pole; men looking on globe on top of black & white striped pole & point & talk as pedestrians look at them. CU of bowl. 18:03:21 Belisha beacon in place on rainy day w/ traffic past, taxi stops & driver leans out & shakes fist at it; CU repeat leaning out & shaking fist, drives off. 18:03:43 Sd. Leslie Hore-Belisha standing behind desk SOF: “Within the next 24 hours 600 people who are now alive & well will have been injured on the roads of Great Britain. 20 of them will be dead. Our roads should be roads to happiness & not to hospitals. I’m tired of telling those who drive motor cars to be careful; they won’t listen to me. Therefore I ask that every wife should say to her husband when he drives away in the morning ‘Be careful, come home alive!’” 18:04:34 Si. Pan picture: Please be careful for my sake on 1/3 & w/ picture of concerned woman on 2/3. MS showing its attached to the steering wheel in automobile. CU another woman’s face illustration. 18:05:24 Si. Man gets into passenger side of four seat convertible on foggy morning, policeman walks up & writes him a ticket. 18:05:54 Belisha beacon w/ five-story building on a crescent & taxi stopping & shaking fist. Sports car to intersection, stops, tips hat & pulls pistol & quickly shoots at globe on top. 18:06:20 Dark, three well-dressed men & woman into open top sports car; then out. Driving at night w/ camera immediately in front facing them, one man has rifle, another a pistol & the third is driving. Two men & woman in back laughing, pointing & take out guns. View in LS possibly of lighted Belish beacon. 18:08:20 MCU lighted bowl of Belish beacon, explodes w/ half glass gone; guys & woman with guns in car laughing. Repeated w/ glass exploding. CU faces. CU globe w/ car lights on it, shattering. Faces. 18:10:12 CU Daytime & pole w/ globe missing. MS cars & pedestrians past pole w/ missing globe, CU. 18:11:01 Sd. CU Leslie Hore-Belisha, SOF: “This system will be extended all over Britain & I shall welcome any other ideas. I shall not hesitate to adopt every method which, human & orderly use of the King’s highway.” 18:11:29 Si. Workmen digging up sidewalk to install Belisha beacon; set poles in concrete block. 18:12:28 CU game: Pop The Beacon, pull back to show two boys on living room floor w/ pea shooters knocking bowls off tiny poles, another wearing Bobby hat & whistle. CU blowing peashooter; CU bowl on toy pole, hit & falls off, repeated. 1930s Children’s Toys; Road Safety; Pedestrian Safety; Wealthy; Joy Ride; Damage; Destruction; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: