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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221316-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1949
Country: England,United Kingdom
Location: Canterbury,dover,Kent,London,Rochester
TC Begins: 18:06:16
TC Ends: 18:16:28
Duration: 00:10:12
Charles Dickens: Background For His Work Coronet Instructional Films Library shot w/ CU of Dickens titles sitting on table. Pan over rooftops, over river w/ barges. Streets & men walking after worker past camera. Street scene w/ double-decker buses & other traffic. Tourists riding in carriage thru park. Bedford Square & neighborhood w/ stoops. CU of #1 Devonshire Terrace where he lived while writing; other Victorian addresses where he lived while writing. Interior shot. CU of original manuscript pages for Pickwick Papers; Oliver Twist. 18:09:02 Large house where he wrote Tale of Two City & Great Expectations. Boy & girl playing on lawn. Schoolyard w/ kids playing & standing by school wall. Playing basketball or ?? Kids in slums playing; man walking thru alley with kids playing. 18:10:17 Man pulling cart, others w/ flowers on heads, truck, handtrucks & men, probably Covent Gardens. 18:10:38 Ext. George West clothing store & many people waiting for bus. Exteriors of Buckingham Palace; Mansion House; Bank of England; Fleet Street w/ pedestrians & pans over architecture. St. Paul’s Cathedral; Lincoln’s Inn Fields & Law Court & doorway. 18:11:49 CU ext. The Old Curiosity Shop. Looking out thru windows; ext. as boy leaves. CU sign: Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese storefront. CU feet of two men in thru door; man setting table. Ext. w/ sign over doorway: Olde Pickwickian Hostelrie. George & Vulture. 18:12:47 LS w/ smoking chimneys; Ext. of pub w/ sign: Dickens’ Old Pickwick Leather Bottle. Roads w/ hedges in countryside. 18:13:20 Bull Hotel in Rochester ext. w/ yard. Marshes, small village church, boy to cemetery at graves; boy running across marsh. 18:14:21 Canterbury from outside town, Kings School entrance. Two men walking up to Dover cliffs; fishermen at docks. Village on hillside, seascape. 18:15:14 London w/ women on sidewalk by Covent Garden; Streetcleaner; Royal Guard; Woman sitting; Men w/ boxes of flowers; policeman; carriageman; kids on stoop & looking over wall in smaller city. London view. The End. Literature; History; Poverty; Writers; Literary Subjects; 1940s; 1930s; Tourism; Working Class; NOTE: One continuous minute sold at per reel rate.