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Lights at Night - Special Effects

Reel Number: 221385-18

Color: Colour

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1979

Country: England,United Kingdom

Location: London

TC Begins: 12:48:53

TC Ends: 13:01:34

Duration: 00:12:41

Lights at Night - Special Effects POV from car into West End at night on A40 under street lights. 12:50:31 - 12:51:27 Upside down 12:51:44 Building lights, car tail lights. Stopped. Some shot for special effects w/ soft focus, looking up building. Flashing turn signal light, cars past. Views of car taillights, traffic past, cars & double-decker buses, shot w/ telephoto lens & at various speeds. 12;57:05 Large office building w/ lights in windows. 12:57:25 Stop sign turning to caution & green. People seen in window, soft or out of focus; man behind counter 12:59:32 Water surface w/ light reflections. 13:00:03 LS Big Ben & tower, bridge lights (?) at base. Docked boat on Thames River. Westminster (?) bridge w/ traffic. Soft focus lights past in CU. Water reflecting light. Traveling Shots; 1970s; 1980s; Abstract Patterns;

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