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Go to HomepageReel Number: 930101F
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 2013
Country: England,United Kingdom
Location: London
TC Begins: 00:00:00
TC Ends: 00:15:53
Duration: 00:15:53
Group of students gathers in front of University of London Union (ULU) offices, Mallet Street, Bloomsbury. Some legal observers in high-visibility jackets, present. 00:17:17 Student leader in light jacket, stands above crowd and makes a speech about police brutality and intimidation of unions. Crowd cheers and claps. 00:01:48 Crowd marches down the street, chanting “Cops off campus”. Some carry banners and signs. 00:02:05 Pink smoke bomb let off. 00:03:42 Signs held up for photographers. 00:04:06 Crowd including teachers stands in front of University building, chanting. 00:05:05 Crowd marches down street through smoke cloud. 00:05:48 Crowd has stopped in front of University building gate and chants “Cops off campus” “Who killed Mark Duggan? Police killed Mark Duggan”. Police visible behind gate. 00:06:16 Crowd shakes gate. Police pushes through crowd to get to gate. Sirens heard in the background. 00:07:07 Police vans arrive. Crowd with signs, stands in front and block. Police gets out of vans. Crowd chants “Scum”. 00:09:18 Stand off between large police line and students. 00:10:18 Student holds sign in front of police line. 00:11:20 Night. Crowd marches down street. Large rubbish bins tipped in the middle of the street. Police line follows. 00:12:23 Police chases crowd. Shaky. 00:12:35 Police tackles man to the ground and arrests. 00:13:10 Police kettles small group of protesters, against railing. Hooded protester climbs over railing and runs. 00:13:32 Very shaky scuffle between police and protesters. 00:13:55 Police kettles other group of protesters. Girl screams. 00:14:13 Police chucks female legal observer, to the side. Shots of 2 groups kettles by police. End.