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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221276-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s
Country: Africa,England,United Kingdom
Location: London
TC Begins: 03:35:16
TC Ends: 03:49:15
Duration: 00:13:59
Story of Money Pile of gold coins shovelled into bag on scales. CU wad of £1 notes being counted. CUs cash register drawers opening. Montage w/ hands counting out money superimposed over advert for £500 car. Coin or “metal disc” compared to much larger tin pail - well-spoken English VO re origins of money. 03:36:24 Stockshots of African herdsmen on savannah, ploughing aka plowing land w/ oxen. Women in tribal village w/ kids. Trading vignette - CU animal fur swapped for arrowheads. Camel caravan thru desert. Sailboats at sea. Ornaments / jewellery used as early money. Lumps of gold, copper, iron & silver w/ names projected in BG. Iron bars used for bartering in Britain where gold rare. CUs early coins. 03:38:52 Wooden filing cabinet where British coins kept in order of monarch - drawers marked ‘Charles I’ etc. - coins weighed on pocket scales as VO says shillings used to worth different amounts depending on actual weight. Engraving of 1600s London street scene. Insignia of vars goldsmiths hanging up. Vars vignettes recreate development of primitive forms of banking. 03:40:52 Goldsmith’s strong room where people stored their money; very old deposit book; receipt being issued by goldsmith for deposit, then used by depositor to settle debt elsewhere. Claimant collects goods stored at goldsmiths; total amount of deposit split into several smaller receipt notes worth different values for convenient settling of debts. Early banknotes changing hands. Cheque system - cheques piled up on table w/ shadow of Barclay’s emblem over; cheque clearing. 03:43:51 Bank of England - CUs coin manufacturing. Houses of Parliament. CU Treasury box. 03:44:33 Present-day bank managers pull open heavy vault door, bags of money loaded onto cart. Customers at counter being served by bank tellers - man w/ bowler hat & pipe. Bullion van unloaded, bags of coins carried into branch of Barclays Bank. CUs modern cheques from vars British banks - VO describes cheque process - high shot inside central clearing house - women workers standing at long tables sorting cheques - cheques separated into pigeonholes for individual banks - cheques packed & posted. Checks arrive at branch bank from clearing house. Large sorting room w/ women working clearing checks. 03:47:06 Montage of industry, farming, manufacturing & construction scenes w/ cheques superimposed. Summary of development of money w/ corresponding shots. 03:48:19 CU man paying for newspaper. Man buys pint of beer from pub landlord. Man buying cigarettes at tobacconist. People onto bus; CU conductor counts out change. London street scene outside Bank of England. Top shot coins along conveyor belt in mint. The End. Banking; Economics; Finance; History; Bartering; Trade; Currency; Educational Film; Promotional;