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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221784-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1910s,1916
Country: England,France,Italy,United Kingdom
Location: London,Trafalgar square
TC Begins: 08:48:17
TC Ends: 08:56:02
Duration: 00:07:45
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWI - 1916 ca, Army & Homefront: Woman speaking Trafalgar Square; Fighting; Wounded Soldiers marching in street past Cathedral (?); other military watching. People milling in front of large billboard & signs: “No Price Can Be Too High When Honour And Freedom Are At Stake.” “Men of London Our Brave Soldiers”, “Fight For King” beside lion in Trafalgar Square. Woman speaking to crowd beside Lion. Applause & MS men wave hats. 08:48:59 Officers walking thru ranks of troops. Mounted troops pulling artillery & caissons passing. 08:49:29 Women on dock wave goodbye to ship. Naval ships underway. 08:49:59 French soldiers on wagons along rainy village road. Steaming field kitchens past (English?). French soldier gathers rifle & bags from beside building. Enormous railroad gun w/ & barrage balloon above. MS loading shell & firing. Cranking gun; LS smoke across land. 08:51:09 Captured soldiers in field searched (brief). 08:51:15 Troops parade past Cathedral. Trucks of soldiers along mountain passing parked truck column. High angle of many soldiers marching along road w/ destruction behind. French or Italian troops firing artillery from sandbagged bunker. LS from hilltop of shell explosions. MS preparing large artillery to reload. 08:52:18 Tents pitched on rocky hillside, looking down on valley. HA of soldiers along road. MS Pan artillery position on mountain ridge. MS Italian firing machine gun position on rocks above snowfields. Pan ridge w/ dug in positions w/ valley in distance. Men shoveling snow up to others & repeating. Troops up mountain path passing wounded carried down by medics on stretchers. Army ambulance leaving. 08:53:26 Italian troops run thru brush & trees; two carry wounded soldier on arms. Soldirs running, climbing cliff face w/ ropes, explosions in foreground. Dirigible over village along lake?. 08:54:29 British army trucks w/ RN on side & w/ mounted guns thru London street w/ police Bobby walking beside. Night & searchlights. 08:54:43 Men on back of truck w/ gun firing. Searchlights. Soldiers look thru telescope. Small plane takes off. Searchlights; firing gun; plane; searchlight. 08:55:38 Title card: “The Imperial German Government will not expect the Government of the United States to omit any word or any act necessary to the sacred duty of maintaining the rights of the United States & its citizens & of safeguarding their free exercises and enjoyment.” 08:55:43 Still of congress intercut w/ CU President Wilson speaking. Intertitle: “...the day has come when America is privileged to spend her blood & her might for the principles...” WW1; Daily European Military Life; 1910s; Recruiting; Patriotism; Fighting; Injured; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: