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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221784-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1910s,1916
Country: Egypt,England,Turkey,United Kingdom,USA
Location: Balkans,London,Piccadilly Circus,Trafalgar square
TC Begins: 08:39:30
TC Ends: 08:48:07
Duration: 00:08:37
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWI - 1916 ca, City & Military: Lusitania Survivors (?); London Scenes; Egypt; Parliament Man w/ suitcase crossing street away from hotel; kids standing & others milling about in front of building w/ sign Soldiers Home. MS man w/ bandaged head interviewed. MS Three girls & two boys pose( survivors of Lusitania?). Slug. 08:40:24 High angle / HA pan over large crowd of mostly women applauding to woman (Pacifist or Suffragette?) speaking in Trafalgar Square w/ lion statue in background. Slug. 08:40:53 Naval ship, lifeboat drill w/ sailors off, MS in life boats & dhow in background. Boats, towed. Slug. 08:41:37 LS People outside front of Criterion Theater in London, soldiers past. MS Police & civilians outside closed gates to subway or railroad. MS People on street corner boarding double decker bus. 08:42:48 HA pan of street in front of Criterion building, restaurant & shops w/ much activity, pedestrians & cars. Slug. 08:43:22 US troops in small boats rowed on canal or placid river, set up bridge w/ large farm fields in bg. 08:44:03 Cavalry riding four abreast w/ tents pitched behind. Cavalry, wagons w/ Egyptian pyramids behind. Shoveling sand to dig trench or foxhole. Slug. 08:44:30 House of Parliament from boat on Thames River at high tide; tilt up Big Ben. View from South Bank w/ bridge in front of Parliament. 08:45:18 MLS Tilt down Westminster Cathedral w/ traffic past & around Parliament. Slug. 08:46:29 Three Turkish troops in Balkan War given bread & eating bread, one w/ bandage on head. Pan men beneath unid. sign, oxen, women & babies at farm market w/ cattle & wagons. 08:47:30 Soldiers relaxing, eating w/ wagons & horses (?) tied. Troops playing w/ swords for camera beside railroad. WW1; Daily European Military Life; 1910s; City Traffic; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: