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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221784-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1910s,1918
Country: Austria,England,France,Italy,Turkey,United Kingdom,USA
Location: Balkans,Istanbul,London,Middle East
TC Begins: 08:25:57
TC Ends: 08:39:22
Duration: 00:13:25
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWI - 1918, England & (?): Food Kitchen For All; Pacifist Meeting; Balkans (?); Middle East Women posing w/ pans of food beside chalk board menu: Friday, May 17th 11:30 to 2 w/ plates & prices. Well dressed women wearing hats out of building carrying tea kettle, cups & baskets; stand having tea & talking on sidewalk. Serving women holding dirty dishes & laughing. Slug. 08:26:35 England, London Pacifist Meeting. Soft focus view over heads of well-dressed civilian crowd outside building w/ sign: Tea & Coffee; workers among them in caps w/ policemen / Bobbies moving the crowd; trees of park in background. Bobbies move crowd outside railroad station (?). Slug. 08:28:22 Title: “Italy - Victory! We will evacuate Italian soil - Austrian official.” Helmeted troops marching down village road in sunshine. 08:28:31 Temporary bridge on top of collapsed steel bridge in river water, men working beside. Soldier climbing up riverbank among trees, thru barbed wire fence. LS walking up hillside road w/ valley & village buildings in background. Slug. 08:29:18 Title: “Constantinople - occupied by British and Indian Troops.” Slow pan across Blue Mosque / Sultan Ahmed Mosque (?). Navy ship flying flag w/ crescent past r. to l. w/ sailors on deck. Slug. 08:29:49 Three or four large naval ships underway on calm open water. Slug. 08:30:20 MLS troops marching on country road r. to l. (brief) Title: “Unter den Linden - the scene of much fighting.” High angle / HA, many people in street. Slug. CU German poster w/ caricatures: Afriker 228 (?). 08:30:59 Ground shot past civilian & military walking about in front of large Government building, watching soldier w/ sword on white horse leading marching troops. French (?) officer in foreground, troops standing for review behind. Line of Renault FT small tanks in front of large brick building. Slug. 08:31:28 Title (flipped): “Unauthorised Pacifists Censured. Mr. Havelock Wilson M.P. and Seaman’s representatives say peace with victory at Trafalgar Square meeting.” MLS standing leaning on chair behind cast bronze lion speaking to crowd w/ reporters taking notes behind; pan crowd listening. MCU posing w/ two canes. Dissolve to sign being held: Sailors & Soldiers Don’t forget to declare yourselves in favour of the Seamen’s Boycott of the Huns. CU Wilson. Slug. 08:32:24 LS many small naval ships in heavy seas; barges (?) in choppy seas. MS Sailors pivoting torpedo & preparing for launch w/ coast & mountains in distance, Dirigible low over water, ships in distance. GOOD. 08:33:06 Submarine (?) low thru water (22 seconds). Slug. 08:33:32 Soldiers walking, horses pulling wagons / artillery along farm road. High angle soldiers walking thru maze-like trench. In trench below barbed wire looking over towards mud flats or ??. Troops & POWs (?) past wrecked village buildings. Mounted troops w/ USA flag along debris littered road, others on bicycles behind; others in soft caps marching. Ridge & heavy smoke. Soldiers crossing broken wooden bridge. Shell crater & soldiers silhouetted on ridge in background. Slug. 08:35:21 Flash title: The streets barricaded & occupied by troops in full fighting kit. Sitting around portable cooking kitchens, eating. Sit along sidewalk w/ rifles leaned together in front of large building; pedestrians. 08:35:43 High Angle / HA up valley w/ pitched tents & soldiers shaving. Balkan (?) troops eating at long mess tables. Slug. Mexico (?) USA troops on horses riding leading other horses w/ blinders, passing kicking up dust. CU horses w/ feedbags, pan line of many horses eating. Cowboys lead one horse. 08:38:14 Middle East (?). Unid. soldiers riding & w/ horses pulling wagons. Asian / Oriental soldiers passing. 08:39:09 Turkey, Egypt or ?? w/ troops marching past spectators on town street. WW1; Daily European Military Life; 1910s; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate.