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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221497-20
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1914,1917
Country: England,Italy,United Kingdom,USA UNITED KINGDOM
Location: DC,London,Washington
TC Begins: 11:50:58
TC Ends: 11:56:39
Duration: 00:05:41
WWI London Patriotism; Fighting & Misc.; Italian Alps; President Wilson & Congress Undercranked of US (?) military marching up street. Boys & men in overcoats in front of large billboard: No Price Can Be Too High When Honour And Freedom Are At Stake” . Another: Men of London Our Brave Soldiers. Sign by lion in Trafalgar Square: Fight For King. Woman speaking to crowd of men & women, lion beside; cheering & hat waving. 11:51:31 British General followed by other offices reviewing troops at attention. Large group of soldiers past on caissons & artillery behind horses, riders. 11:51:53 Two ferries side by side; battleship low in water, others. Aerial over fleet thru water at speed. 11:52:09 Troops on covered supply wagons, smoking cook wagons & troops walking on muddy road. 11:52:26 Men gathering bags & rifles. 11:52:36 Enormous railroad gun barrel w/ barrage or spotter balloon beyond. Men on railroad gun loading shell & firing. Men cover ears. Smoke rising from ??. Prisoners searched. 11:53:06 Street full of troops marching past large cathedral. 11:53:10 Army trucks passing convoy on valley road. Crippled girl by roadside. Troops marching toward camera. 11:53:31 Men passing shells to artillery & firing rapidly. View of barren hills (Middle East?) w/ explosions. Large gun firing. Lowering & preparing to move. Steep hillside w/ tents pitched. Troops along road. Men dug into mountainside. Firing machine gun from rock outcropping w/ snow field below. Pan over men on mountain ridge from another above; across valley. Men shoveling snow to men above, who shovel beyond.Italian medics carry wounded down on stretchers passing men going up. 11:54:39 Ambulances leaving down mountain. 11:54:44 Italian (?) troops running forward thru scrub trees; wounded carried by two others down steep slope. Men running up road alongside men climbing cliffs w/ ropes. Explosions. 11:55:25 Dirigible overhead, boathouse by pond, lake or harbor. 11:55:32 London military equipment on parade. Artillery in back of truck w/ RN on side. 11:55:34 Searchlights, several focus on blimp (?). Daytime, soldiers looking through telescope in street. Early Bleriot airplane taking off, flying past. Biplane / bi-Wing plane in flight overhead. (all intercut w/ searchlights & dirigible). 11:56:23 Intertitle: The Imperial German Government will not expect the Government of the United States...” 11:56:27 Int. US Congress (?). CU President Wilson speaking. WW1;