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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221740-12
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1931
Country: Netherlands,Switzerland,United Kingdom,USA
Location: California,Cambridge,Chicago,Emmen,Illinois,Los Angeles,Massachusetts
TC Begins: 16:22:28
TC Ends: 16:26:58
Duration: 00:04:30
1931 - Oddities, USA: College Initiation; Costumed Wedding & Procession; Dog Laundry; Sport. Oct31 16:22:37 Students watch from sidelines as others run across & begin fighting; LS of large circle of spectators around students. MCU taking off handkerchiefs or ?? and throwing in barrels. CU barrel contents. 16:23:44 Intertitle: Queer Bohemian martial rites startle metropolis! Pair wed in ancient mode of homeland. 16:23:53 Woman pelting couple w/ rice as two men costumed as police watch; CU bride & groom kissing; get into fake wagon w/ costumed men as horse & driven thru street leading cars. Man in upside-down costume pretending to walk on hands leading procession. Keystone cops. 16:24:55 Intertitle: Woman inaugurates puppy laundry! Dirty Dogs cleaned & dried in twenty minutes. 16:25:04 Woman at table washing dogs in metal buckets, puts four into tub & soaping them. Hangs them in diapers on clothes line. 16:25:58 Intertitle: Emmen, Switzerland. “Hornussen” experts meet in finals! Lucerne team wins championship in queer sport. 17:26:07 Men w/ large paddles walk across field. CU man placing ball (?) on rail & hitting w/ long pole. Men w/ paddles attempt to block, throwing paddles in air. Depression; Stunts; Folk Sport; University Freshmen Hazing; 1930s; NOTE: FOR ORDERING see: or contact us at: