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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221602-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1957
Country: USA
Location: California,Hollywood,Los Angeles
TC Begins: 13:00:01
TC Ends: 13:08:46
Duration: 00:08:45
1957, 29th Oscar Presentations Night, pan ext. Pantages theater w/ lighted marque & waving crowds. Klieg lights, traffic pulling up & past. Celebrities standing talking & going in. 13:00:31 Peple waving from grandstand; MCU people in entance. Policeman, woman in white fur cape, searchlights. 13:00:53 MCU of ??, actress. Cars arriving, men in tuxedos; photographers, posing. 13:01:25 Jack Lemmon (?) & ??; actresses. 13:01:47 Yul Brynner & ??; he waves w/ cigarette between fingers. 13:02:05 Charlton Heston; Mickey Rooney & ??. Marquee & sign. Unid. arrivals, crowd milling. 13:02:40 Child star in cowboy hat. Cary Grant & ??. Crowd waving (GOOD). Eddie Fisher & Debbie Reynolds (?); Elizabeth Taylor in tiara & Michael Todd. 13:03:24 ?? in backless dress. Anna Magnani waving. GOOD marquee shot w/ flashing neon. 13:03:51 Jerry Lewis w/ ?? at podium. Audience. Lobby crowd. Ext. w/ Fisher & Reynolds. 13:04:02 Stage statue of Oscar. Actress holding Oscar & talking (MOS). 13:04:11 Ext. arrivals. Anthony Quinn. Int. audience. 13:04:27 Carpet shots (no good). 13:04:51 Actress at podium. Stage Oscar. Jerry Lewis escorts Dorothy Malone (?) to podium. Elizabeth Taylor at podium. Jerry Lewis holding two Oscars, presenting to two men; at podium, exiting. 13:06:06 Dorothy Malone (?) w/ Oscar stattuette at podium (MOS). Elizabeth Taylor handed Oscar by ?? 13:06:57 Shelly Winters (?) gives Oscar to man. 13:07:04 Eddie Cantor w/ Oscar. ?? receiving Oscar. Others. 13:07:50 Anna Magnani (?) & Yul Brynner at podium w/ Oscars. 13:08:05 Ernest Borgnine presenting Oscar to Cary Grant. 13:08:26 Mike Todd w/ Oscar at podium. Self-Promotion; Hollywood; Motion Pictures; Movies; Fans; 1957; 27Mar57; NOTE: Jerry Lewis & Celeste Holm were co-presenters.