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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220467-29
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1968,1960s
Country: Mexico,USA
Location: Los Angeles, California
TC Begins: 03:46:26
TC Ends: 04:05:06
Duration: 00:18:40
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1968 - Stock Footage, USA: Border Crossing, Drug Smuggling, Love-In, Airdrop, Boats. 07-16Apr68 Slate: 07Apr68 Drugs. US - Mexico Border. Roll 22 Camera C.R. Strathman. Raven’s Hollow Warrenton, VA. 03:46:32 View thru glass of couple at desk of customs (?). 03:46:42 Cars being searched. White van, Volkswagen, frisking kids at desk in office. Searching / shaking tire in trunk. 03:47:27 POV small plane taking off into light. 03:47:44 Slate: 14Apr68. Love-In, Calif. Roll 27. Drugs. Strathman. Raven’s Hollow... 03:47:48 Wooden sign: Tapia Park, County of Los Angeles. Tilt down & pan to parked cars & people walking in parking lot, across dried field. Sun tanned hippies, smoking dope / narcotics / marijuana gathering at sound stage. 03:48:23 MS People gathered around stage; fabric banners & psychedelic posters. Flower children; sitting, standing, listening. 03;49:17 Slate: same. Roll 29. CU loudspeakers; MS dancing; shirt w/ Dirty Old Man on back; drummer; singer; guitar players; people dancing; listening & bobbing & jumping; clapping. 03:51:09 High Angle / HA LS Boat harbor w/ condominiums. 03:51:29 Night. Neon signs: Girls; Go-Go; Sportswear For Men & window shopping, pan to The State theater movie marquee for Bonnie & Clyde, Up Down Staircase. Dark HA of LA streets at night. 03:52:59 Slate: 14Apr68 R26 Same. LS hills above Tapia Park. Meadow & Love In w/ people sitting, dancing. 03:53:34 Light aircraft takes off; flying over desert grass, drops package - repeated takes. Shadow of plane flying over scrubby land & car parked below. POV plane landing at airport. 03:55:52 MCU Middle class man smoking pipe. 03:55:59 Slate: Apr68 Drugs. Roll 23. Same. 03:56:02 Two women; couple well-dressed sitting in sun in minimum security prison. Fashions of 1960s. 03:56:27 Women inmates gardening. Ext. of prison. LS HA pan of prison complex w/ dormitory buildings. Handball courts & inmates playing. 03:58:05 Slate: 16Apr68 Drugs UCLA R30. Same. UCLA campus & students between classes walking & lounging. Dickson Plaza sign. Reading outdoors. Sign: UCLA. 03:59:36 Prison recreation & men lifting weights outdoors. 03:59:54 POV on road above docks w/ sailing & motor boats / yachts. 04:00:15 NOTE: on 200530 Man, Jack Hurst (?), in office or living room of condominium w/ books on desk. 04:00:48 Ext. along ocean beach, two men standing watching two men playing chess or ??. Relaxing in sun from behind people, facing ocean. 04:01:08 Well dressed women sitting in group outdoors at prison. CUs. 04:01:51 Slate: 16Apr68 Drugs R32. Same. Sunset & small fishing boats at anchor in harbor Mexican bay. Pan beach & shoreline from water. HA of boats & buoys. 04:03:05 Slate: 14Apr68 Love-in. R28. Hippies, drum circle & group. Flower children. Police arrest & haul off guy in handcuffs, people follow. Horse mounted police leave to applause. Guitar players sit & sing. NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: