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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221341-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1910s
Country: USA
Location: California,Los Angeles
TC Begins: 15:07:15
TC Ends: 15:11:18
Duration: 00:04:03
Misc. Ford Model T cars & Los Angeles footage Men walk thru sequoia & then car drives through. Cars along mountain road thru sequoias or redwoods, people out & look at them. Snow on ground. (dark) 15:07:52 Two men feeding large bear beside open touring Model T. Horse & wagon behind. 15:08:09 Ford opening touring car in mountain beside snow field. (dark) 15:08:29--15:08:47 Ford driven over rough ground & down deeply rutted muddy road. 15:08:48 Seventh & Broadway intersection in Los Angeles w/ much heavy traffic ca 191? 15:09:05 Large water pipeline to Los Angeles w/ man walking on it, Model T driving up it. 15:09:39 POV driving past California bungalows in Los Angeles. Palm trees in parking strip. Man walking up sidewalk past houses. Pan along houses. 15:10:42 Wooden oil derricks, Signal Hill (?). Pan across. 15:11:00 High angle from tall building of busy street in Los Angeles speeded up, pixillated. Electric Trolleys. Travelogues; Oddities; Wild Life; Animals; Stunts;