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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221229-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1955
Country: USA
Location: Los Angeles
TC Begins: 16:53:06
TC Ends: 17:04:53
Duration: 00:11:47
Schizophrenic Model Psychosis Induced By LSD 25 Pt. 1 of 2 aka LSD: Experiment in Terror (1955) Nicholas A. Bercel, M.D., Department of Physiology, University of Southern California Medical School Filmed by Confidential Telepictures Inc. Material furnished through the courtesy of Sandoz Pharmaceutical Co. (Prof. E. Rothlin, Basel, Switzerland & Mr. Harry Althouse, San Francisco...) 16:53:45 CU LSD vial & syringe. Doctor sharpening needle w/ another man watching prepares LSD in a cup; narration “...when in 1943 Hoffmann became temporarily psychotic thru accidental ingestion of the drug...” “TV’s Paul Coates of Confidential File undertook to film a model psychosis in our laboratory in an attempt to impress upon the public thru a case of artificial insanity that the mentally ill is not inhabited by the devil.” 16:54:24 Doctor sits down w/ volunteer Bill at 12 o’clock. Gives cup of 100 mg. Asks how it tasted and looked. He gives name, address & says he’s a painter. (William Malark (sp?), 3540 Las Paso, Los Angeles 65. Age 34). He’s given materials to sketch w/ charcoal the portrait. 16:56:39 12:17 & Bill lays down & wired for testing. Print out of EG & various pens. Then back into chair & describes feelings of floating, sees colors, etc. Doctor questions about feeling of body etc. Bill laughs, describes rug pulsating. Doctor asks if Bill feels sorry that he’s not enjoying the experiment. 17:00:22 Again drawing w/ charcoal, asks if its purple. When told its black Bill then says he can’t explain what he wants to explain. 17:02:07 Talks a lot trying to explain what he’s hearing ie. singing of angels; what he’s seeing. 17:02:45 They offer him food but he says its repugnant. “I want to feed off this feeling, this joy, which seems to be coming from everything.” 17:03:40 “I feel that I’m perfectly adequate, I mean I can take care of myself from now on. I have no hunger, my sensation is perfect. Its just a wonderful state.” Doctor pushes him to eat. Bill explains that he wants to have the experience go on & on & on. Continued... Drugs; Psychedelics; Research Testing; Human Experiments; Psychological Experimentation; 1950s; 1960s;