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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221295-15
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1947
Country: USA
Location: California,Los Angeles
TC Begins: 03:53:52
TC Ends: 03:55:00
Duration: 00:01:08
Something To Crow About Two men, three women each holding roosters at foot of airplane stairway. MCU of roosters. Bandstand w/ backdrop for promotion of Universal motion picture The Egg And I. Tables in front w/ stars & others. MCU movie stars petting rooster wearing a crown & next to small award. 03:54:28 Night & searchlights on Fox ?? Circle movie theater for premier. CU of marque. Marjorie Main, other actors up red carpet. Desi Arnez (?), Jimmy Durante. Promotion; Publicity; Advertising;