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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221396-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1918
Country: France,Germany,USA
Location: California,Detroit,Hollywood,Los Angeles,Michiga|
TC Begins: 13:11:07
TC Ends: 13:22:22
Duration: 00:11:15
WWI Aviation; German Troops Training; French Colonial Troops; Liberty Loan Rallies WWI US airmen in front of large biplane; several Sopwith (?) airplanes take off; land & taxi across rough field. 13:12:12 Soldiers inflating weather balloon outside quonset hut, release & track w/ scope. 13:12:44 Stills of Germans, dead women & babies; German troops running across field; prisoners; in trench. 13:13:27 German troops on field training. marching, exercising jumping in place, from springboard. 13:14:13 Marching in review. Captured prisoners along road. Still of life boats & people in water. 13:14:52 German troops surrendering, running towards camera. 13:15:15 Prisoners (?) between barracks in camp (?). Black & Indochinese colonial (?) troops along road in front of wooden barracks. 13:15:46 Prisoners digging large trench; shoveling crushed or broken rock into large trucks. More marching thru camp w/ buckets, boxes as others watch; sit by large camp stoves, sharpen knives. Oriental (Mongolian?) troops playing string instruments & flutes, several dance in masked costumes. Playing gambling game w/ cup & saucer. 13:17:29 View from roof along tall buildings & line up street cars up middle of narrow street. Men dance on platform in front of Buy Bonds From Sessue Hayakawa sign. People standing watching. Hayakawa w/ megaphone, Blanche Sweet w/ megaphone shouting & gesturing to large audience in Hollywood park; Hayakawa joins her. MCU of soldiers & civilians in audience. 13:18:52 Hayakawa w/ megaphone, Japanese-American kids & others sitting on stage. 13:19:20 US soldiers in sandbagged emplacement w/ shells stacked, passed & firing mortar. 13:19:23 Soldiers & actress Eloise Mann in coveralls near tethered observation balloon; MCU of smiling laughing woman. Wicker basket & two men & woman ascending. Camera ascending & people in park see below. View from high up. View of barrage balloon w/ gondola basket beneath & soldiers pulling down ropes. Landing. 13:20:51 Black troops along road, horse pulling small wagon. Horse or mule pulling railcar w/ soldiers on it. Blacks in uniform w/ rifles follow. 13:21:14 1918 War Bond rally parade in rain w/ marching, truck, spinning vehicle. Very large gun fired in street, truck in camouflage paint driven up steps of ?? 13:21:50 Victory Mural for war loan being painted by artist in Navy uniform. Giant Burroughs cash register w/ sign Victory Liberty Loan, The People of Detroit... Oversubscribed. Man in uniform on platform speaking to crowd. Patriotism; Propaganda; Entertainers; Movie Stars; Motion Picture Stars; WW1 Bond Rally;