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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221567-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1956,1950s
Country: East Germany,Germany,West Germany
Location: Bavaria,Berlin,Bonn,Bremen,Hamburg,Heligoland,Munich
TC Begins: 06:10:37
TC Ends: 06:21:13
Duration: 00:10:36
Introducing Germany Pt. 1 of 2 Series: The Atlantic Community 06:10:52 Flags of NATO countries w/ name of each country superimposed: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, France, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Turkey. United Kingdom, United States & NATO flags. 06:11:53 Aerial Heligoland island on Baltic. Seagull flying overhead. Coast of Heligoland, waves & foam on empty beach. Rural scenes: farm, small fishing boats & fishermen in harbor; wheeling daily catch, old man reading paper on steps. LS harbor w/ large ships entering & anchored; dockside cranes; shipyard; activities; tossing rivets, welding. Many small boats thru water in harbor. LS church or cathedral from harbor. 06:13:57 Bavaria mountains. Farmers; church; schoolchildren; small villages & exterior traditional houses; kids walking to school. Village Community Council session. 06:15:00 Carnival or funfair w/ rides. LS Munich. Young woman feeding pigeons. Munich Cathedral & tourists watching Glockenspiel figures moving around clock. ? Gate. Traffic, pedestrians & trams, trolleys, buses. Bavarian Parliament; children play on steps of Parliament. Map Western Germany. 06:16:38 Bonn - market square & fruit sellers. University buildings, exteriors. Government buildings. Rhine river. President Heuss in office. Bundeshaus or Chamber of Deputies w/ tourists. Interior session at Bundeshaus; speaker (SOF). 06:18:27 Car passing thru checkpoint to Eastern Germany; papers checked. Map shows border between East & West Germany & Berlin. Road to Berlin. Brandenburg gate & pan to shattered Reichstag with weeds & sign “Dem Deutschen Volke”. Interior ruins of Reichstag & damaged statues. Skeleton of horse statue. Funkturm w/ tourists visiting; view over Berlin from Funkturm. East German refugees line up at office; indoors refugee camp. Refugee families & women cooking; old woman. Berlin street scenes & traffic, pedestrians cafe terrace, Black man and White man looking at camera. Continued... Good quality - well shot; Propaganda; Tourism; Tourists; 1950s German Daily Life; Iron Curtain; NATO; NOTE: Drop-outs only on VHS.