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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220453-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1912,1910s
Country: USA
Location: Ellis Island,gary, inDiana,lorain, ohio,New York City,Newark, New Jersey
TC Begins: 23:57:05
TC Ends: 24:14:42
Duration: 00:17:37
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1912 - Immigration, USA - Immigrant Arrival & Working at Steel Mill Titles. 23:57:55 Title: “The Peasant Receives Passage Money From His Brother In America.” Parents call son from field & he opens letter (CU of letter in Polish?) w/ money; kisses goodbye & packs bag. 23:59:05 Title: “He Arrives in America.” Standing by rail of ship at looking at distant Statue of Liberty, river traffic, skyline, ferries. Ext. Ellis Island Ferry w/ people in heavy winter coats past. Immigrant wearing tag w/ heavy suitcase. Others carrying bags. 00:00:01 Ext. Pennsylvania Railroad station (in Newark, New Jersey ?), horse & carriage past. 00:00:13 Title: “At Gary. His brother shows him the workingman’s model city.” Greets him getting off train on platform, w/ hug as people watch; walking around street, begins to go to tavern but brother points in another direction. 00:01:12 Title: “He finds a better place than the saloons for his leisure hours.” Goes up steps & meet two men. 00:01:34 Title: “The Y.M.C.A.” (YMCA) Ext. & they come out & walk along sidewalk. 00:02:02 Title: “Unfitted for skilled work, he is given employment as a laborer.” Ext. employment office of Illinois Steel Company & looking at sign in English, Polish & ??). 00:02:37 Title: “He is shown how the lives of the workers are safeguarded.” Walking around plant yard; titles re goggles - men hammering & breaking cast iron. Man inspects safety glasses shattered w/ metal chip. Safety glass compared to untreated eye glasses. 00:04:13 Titles: “Safety Hook.” Shown, CU. “Hand protector...” shown, CU. Guard for gauge glass, CU. Locking electrical safety switches. 00:05:08 Title: “The Universal Danger sign.” Lowering of large electro-magnet & picking up wrecking ball to drop. Men see in time, pull back, ball drops. Man working on railroad siding by coal car, shown how to place warning light which blocks track; slowly backing freight car is derailed. 00:06:52 Title: “Guards on drill press.” Shown w/ operator. Titles & examples shown of guards used for planing; circular saw; shaper; grinder; belts; gears. 00:09:10 Title: “He returns to Gary...” Open hearth furnace operating, molten iron / steel running & splashing. Blast furnace & men. Bessemer converter working. Fan & cool air. Man wearing safety award, CU. 00:10:44 Men leaving plant in winter snow. 00:11:05 Title: “The pretty teacher is interested in her star pupil.” Night class, couple leave together, he walks her home; kiss goodnight. 00:12:20 Title: “Six Years Later - The Workingman & his family are happy & prosperous.” Wife setting table; kids out of school & playing on company’s playground on ice & snow. Husband gets boy, arrive home & wife greets. Sit down to dinner & eating. 00:14:35 Title: The End. 1912 Industrial Film; Educational Film; Fiction; Immigration; Immigrants; Laborers; US Bureau of Mines; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. Good quality. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: