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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221303-11
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1920s-1930s
Country: Canada,Germany,Ireland,USA
Location: Dublin,New York City,NYC
TC Begins: 16:07:12
TC Ends: 16:18:06
Duration: 00:10:54
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1920s & 1930s Mid-West Agriculture; Canadian Life; Ireland; NYC Garment District Men excavating w/ teams of horses & scrapers for large canal across prairie. CU of baked earth. Many teams of horses & scrapers, wagons moving soil. Covered wagons across prairie. 16:09:12 Cattle drinking in reservoir. 16:09:20 Sugar beet loader stacking sugar beets. 16:09:29 slug 16:09:35 1920s VIPs or royalty off excursion boat or ship w/ military. Inspect or review military on dock. Policeman saluting. Mounts horse. 16:11:27 High angle of city w/ large monuments in square and many pedestrians, wide pan of O’Connell Street, Dublin, Ireland. 16:12:08 1910s Eire / Irish (?) men & a few women raising hands. Men enlisting (?). Out of building, down steps. Massive crowd. Moving ahead, filling street or square. 16:13:59 Ireland (?) Man holding Anti-Conscription Pledge “Denying the right of the British Government to...” Men walking thru gates of government building (?), top hats, horse & carriage arriving, cars, trams & street cars past. 16:14:52 Ireland (?) Statue facing large building, open square & pedestrians, pan across w/ boy pushing cart, cars. British soldiers out. Reverend out. 16:15:07 slug 16:15:14 Man men in street walking & talking outside large building, a few women walking on sidewalk. Lower level shot, men wave caps; street filled. NYC sign: Roadway closed to vehicles 12 noon to 1pm, Garment Workers Only. Intersection & workers, carts, police directing traffic. Mid-town & police moving thru men. People move past camera. Pedestrians waiting & crossing street. Overhead of traffic in narrow street w/ trucks, cars, horse cart. Farming; Dust Bowl; Drought; Ethnic; 1910s; 1920s; 1930s; NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: