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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250186-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1920s,1927
Country: France,USA
Location: DC,Le Bourget,Mineola,New York,NYC,Paris,Washington
TC Begins: 14:19:40
TC Ends: 14:30:23
Duration: 00:10:43
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1927 - Aviation, Records: Lindbergh Flight, Paris, Washington & New York City Celebrations Title (brief). MS Lindbergh posing in front of Spirit of St. Louis; poses w/ mother. Plane towed to end of Mineola field; boarding w/ Richard Byrd applauding. Taking off r. to l. 14:21:30 Intertitle: Off to the unknown skies of the Atlantic. Aerial of plane in flight. Illustrated map w/ animation of plane. 14:22:17 Title: Lindbergh Triumphant Arrival In Paris. Issue no. 2 Le Bourget airport; searchlights & crowd running. Lindbergh posing by plane in hanger. American Embassy balcony w/ Ambassador & flags waved. Crowds in street, Lindbergh walks out thru crowd to car & drives along street. GOOD. 14:24:19 Title: President Doumergue of France decorates the Lone Eage. Lindbergh, Doumergue, Ambassador Herrick posing. CU Lindy; walking w/ others past hanger; pose in front of Spirit... 14:24:53 Title: Lindbergh’s Welcome Home, Issue no. 3 To harbor & sailing from Cherbourg on Cruiser Memphis; sailors cheer; pose w/ Captain. Inspecting biplane. Dirigibles ove ship & waving, docked, walking w/ mother down gangway. 14:26:31 Massed crowd in Washington & motorcade past Capitol. Coolidge greeting on reviewing stand * receiving Distinguished Flying Cross award, speaking (MOS). 14:27:39 Title: Lindbergh’s Day In New York, Issue no. 4. Aerial over ships in harbor, ticker-tape parade, City Hall & Mayor Walker presenting medal. Fifth Avenue parade, crowds. GOOD. 14:30:07 Title: Gov. Smith presenting State Medal in Central Park. CUs. 1920s; Celebrities; Records; Celebration; Awards; Politicians; Ceremonies; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Some overexposed. FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: