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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220461-09
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1935,1930s
Country: USA
Location: Birmingham, Alabama,New York City,NYC,Texas
TC Begins: 07:15:58
TC Ends: 07:16:50
Duration: 00:00:52
1935 - Montage, Depression, USA: WPA & Post-Prohibition Cheap Beer High Angle / HA men in quarry signing up at tailgate of truck for New Deal’s WPA jobs. CU signing form. 07:16:06 Pouring wheelbarrow of concrete. CU drinking from tin cup; worn out tattered shoes. 07:16:14 Kids out of dilapidated wooden one room school, Birmingham, Alabama; large brick school house & kids leave. 07:16:21 Street corner, Texas Hotel beer hall, w/ signs Schepps Beer, all you can drink $.60 per hour. Man at bar gulping down glasses of beer. Various groups of men & women drinking, toasting & singing (MOS). Depression; 1930s; Aviation; Protesters; Post-Prohibition; Alcohol; Economics; NOTE: VERY GOOD QUALITY. Also on complete reel on LN 501-782 & 221629.