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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250001-35
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1935
Country: USA
Location: Gloversville,New York
TC Begins: 01:30:00
TC Ends: 01:31:11
Duration: 00:01:11
1935 - New York: Rescue Fliers In Wild 01:30:06 Aerial over snowy mountain landscape. 01:30:10 Men on snow covered road talking, cars parked alongside. Men digging & pushing car out of snow. 01:30:15 Policemen on snowshoes walking across meadow; men walking in tracks thru snow. 01:30:26 Aerial over forested snow covered mountains; light plane briefly visible in trees. 01:30:45 Exterior of large hospital in snow. 01:30:47 Int. w/ three men beside two hospital beds w/ men being interviewed . CU of man in suit. 01:30:56 Man, woman & young girl seated facing camera, man to girl, SOF: “We pray, others pray, God answers & here I am; home, and glad to be here.” Girl: “And so are we.” Gives man a kiss Civilian Light Airplane Crash Survivors; 1934; 1935; Winter; Gloversville, New York area;