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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250038-10
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1939
Country: USA
Location: Baltimore,Maryland,New York City,NYC
TC Begins: 02:08:40
TC Ends: 02:10:06
Duration: 00:01:26
Title. 02:08:45 Two pilots in cockpit of small plane, man turns propeller; LS of plane w/ Brewmster Special Beer on side taking off from grassy field past cameramen, barely clears trees. 02:09:05 Two-door coupe w/ platform racing along field, plane hooks onto line w/ gasoline can. Catches a second can in MCU & hoisted aboard. 02:09:36 Intertitle: New York, N.Y. Long line of people slowly walking on sidewalk outside apartment buildings w/ pennants & banners; mounted police along curb. MS w/ large placards outside building w/ WPA sign on window. 02:09:44 Marching past line of policemen beneath elevated tracks; outside of armory building w/ row of police motorcycles & policemen. Crossing streets, placard: No Lay-offs, save all arts projects. 02:09:53 High angle over Columbus Circle towards Central Park & large crowd in intersection. View across crowd & two effigies: Tabor (Congressman Taber of NY) & Woodrum (Clifton Woodrum of Virginia). MCU people listening to speaker. Aviation Endurance Attempt; Demonstration; Protest; Works Progress Administration; Unemployed; Employment Program; 1939; NOTE: WPA workers began protesting in early July against a Congressional order for 130 hour month. Virginia Congressman was a leader in attacking WPA as Communist.