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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220570-12
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1940s,1950s,1956
Country: Egypt,France,Morocco,Saudi Arabia
Location: ??,New York City,Paris
TC Begins: 20:24:27
TC Ends: 20:29:22
Duration: 00:04:55
1940s / 1950s, Saudi Arabian King visits Egypt; Arabs At UN; Moroccan VIPs in Paris ca 1956 Title. MCU King Farouk walking w/ military; MS King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud & Farouk walk together reviewing troops. 20:24:46 High Angle / HA mounted troops along street past reviewing stand & spectators. Two kings in horse drawn carriage. Two kings seated on thrones talking. 20:24:59 Slug. 20:25:02 Anchored French naval ship Georges Leygues - sailors at attention. Launch carrying military & VIP. French military w/ Arab VIP walking up dock past sailors at attention. 20:25:32 Woman visitor greeted ?? / European. French military officer greeted by Arabs. 20:25:44 Arabs applaud; motorcade along crowd-lined streets w/ Arab mounted troops as escort. Past line of tanks. Crowd w/ many French soldiers w/ machine guns. 20:26:07 Crowds assembled in square - wreath laid at large military statue. - ceremony. Crowds watching from top of ruins aka fort-like walls. Motorcade leaving. 20:26:58 Two unid. Arab VIPs in USA at United Nations (?). 20:27:09 Moroccan Sultan Sidi Mohammed Ben Youssef (?) arrives on naval ship; down gangway & w/ entourage greeted. Into car. 20:27:29 Motorcade down Champs Elysee w/ mounted troops as escort (brief). Motorcade w/ VIPs arrive & out of cars; enter ??. Sidi Mohammed Ben Youssef walking & posing outside. 20:28:06 Motorcade; arrival & out of car; Arab & French VIPs posing. Formal soldiers at attention; motorcade & mounted troops w/ Arc de Triomphe behind. Entering courtyard of Elysee palace. Royalty; Diplomats; Military; NOTE: Please help identify the people on this card & date the event(s). NOTE: If requested will provide 20:20:22 - 20:29:22 (3 cards) at per reel rate.