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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221166-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1957
Country: USA
Location: California,New York City,NYC
TC Begins: 09:14:31
TC Ends: 09:26:13
Duration: 00:11:42
Continued... How Can We Get Enough Good Teachers And Keep Them? on report. Boy reading blown up book, teacher at blackboard righting algebra equation, man at map, kids answer question about early reading book. Large equipment assembly in industry; military parade. 09:16:00 Bride & groom, college graduation. Classroom. Older teachers. Teacher as hall monitor. College teaching program. 09:17:10 College campus shots, college classroom (largely women). College students walking. Interior of high school hallway with crowded students between classes. Women students walking up steps to college building w/ Future Teachers Association placard. Erasing blackboard. 09:18:35 School buildings. How Can We Finance Our Schools - Build and Operate them? Ext. of high schools. State government buildings & interiors. Graph & men looking at for 1954 & 1955. Men looking at map of Wilton. 09:19:54 Construction of school. Pouring concrete. Views of various architecture of apartment houses. 09:20:30 Car arriving at William Penn school. School cafeteria w/ boys thru cafeteria line w/ trays. Construction & bricklaying. Federal Government will help w/ buildings but not running them. 09:21:27 Elementary students out of school, ext. of high school. 09:21:53 How Can We Obtain A Continuing Public Interest In Education? Pedestrians in winter walking, talking in school. Looking at school building model. Man holding photographs of schools. Public meeting w/ people listening, people talking. Various students into and out of schools. Two people in empty classroom. Group of adults talking over coffee. High school kids across street in large group. Non-stop narration; Short scenes; 1950s Americana; Daily Life; Suburbia; NOTE: Any continuous minute sold at per reel rate.