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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221749-02-P1
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1963,1962,1960s
Country: Algeria,USA
Location: Algiers,anabard,constantine,New York City,NYC,Oran
TC Begins: 10:23:04
TC Ends: 10:42:45
Duration: 00:19:41
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1963 - Color, Algeria Pan celebrating people filling square, superimposed titles (brief), LS, MS & CU s of crowd singing & clapping in center of city from high angle / HA. Running in street; Algerian soldiers marching w/ automatic rifles, flags; women in veils clapping; men dancing; soldier raising flag. 10:24:41 Ext. United Nations, Algerian flag raised by Prime Minister Ahmed Ben Bella w/ U-Thant & others. VIPs watching, Interior w/ members applauding, pan seated delegation. 10:25:54 Map of Africa w/ country borders, move to Algeria. Algiers from HA w/ large buildings & ship entering seaport; docked ships & people & traffic. Sidewalk cafes; Great Mosque / Djama’a al-Kebir & National Museum architecture & crafts w/ jewelry & designs. 10:27:16 HA of agricultural land. Coastline w/ houses built into rocks. HA over Oran & harbor. MS buildings, monuments, Opera House, CU new street signs in Arabic & French w/ new names. Flags put balcony. Traffic 10:28:08 Sheep in mountains grazing, shepherds talking, olive trees & fruit, CUs & LS of rich farmland. Dam & reservoir. City of Anabard, fisherman weaving net w/ freighter & cranes behind loaded w/ ore. 10:29:31 Atlas mountain high bridge & fortress city of Constantine, tunnels, tall buildings & traffic. CU Place des Martyrs. LS of city on rocky cliffs. 10:30:10 Farmland & grain harvesting, MCU threshing, straw bale. Saharan village, palms & figs. 10:31:00 Map w/ oil pipe line from desert to coast. Farms; market w/ crates of fruit & vegetables. Unloading truck, moving crates, city traffic, cafe, shoemaker. 10:32:11 Jul62. CU stencil sign Casbah w/ banners for voting for or against independence. Flag making, people watching, decorations put up; wall murals. HA lines of people waiting to vote, entering, checking identification, woman in veil after voting, ballots into box; counting & listing on chalkboard w/ people watching. 10:33:59 Flag on pole, people chanting from cars thru streets, along roads in truckloads, POVs, helicopter overhead. Crowd outside former palace in Algiers as National Assembly meets, applauding arriving VIPs; new head leading session electing Prime Minister Ben Bella, MCUs voting, talking; people outside cheering w/ flags. Maghreb; Revolution; Independence; Travelogue; Development Promotional; Propaganda; 1960s; Note: Any continuous ten minutes of film, 10:23:04 - 10:42:45, sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: