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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221779-13
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1960s,1965
Country: Canada,Dominican Republic,USA,Vietnam
Location: British Columb,California,Da Nang,Edwards AFB,New York City,NYC,Santo Domingo,Victoria
TC Begins: 10:57:18
TC Ends: 11:03:02
Duration: 00:05:44
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1965 - Newsreel, USA: Marines to Dominican Republic & Vietnam; Test Pilot Death; Circus; Aquarium Intertitle: Marines in Action -- Dominican Rescue, Vietnam Offensive. Dominican soldiers walking thru the streets. 10:57:33 Marines board & take off in helicopters from aircraft carrier USS Boxer (CV-21). 10:58:04 Helicopters landing in wide grassy plain w/ mountain behind; Marines standing w/ packs & gear; jeep past w/ some riding. 10:58:12 POV from boat on Han River w/ native boats along shore, several landing craft passing w/ Marine gunners, people washing clothes in river & watching. Landing craft to built up earth w/ crane sitting, unloading army tracks w/ supplies from landing barge; motorcade led by jeeps along street past CU of sign: Da-Nang 107 km. Passing. 10:58:49 Vietnamese sentry beside American soldier in jeep at intersection w/ sign pointing to Phi-Truong Phu?. Trucks w/ troops on top & pulling trailers pass by. Sandbagged gun emplacements / outposts in Santo Domingo & Da Nang w/ soldiers looking out. 10:59:05 Intertitle: News In Brief - California. 27Apr65. Men looking at horizontal US Army VZ-11RY aka Ryan XV-5 Vertifan vertical takeoff aircraft; CU of wing fans. 10:59:26 Horizontal plane rises, hovering. Wheels raised and plane makes fast low-level pass at Edwards Air Force Base. Civilian men watching, LS of large mushroom cloud of black smoke, firetruck leaves. Fireman (?) walking thru scattered pieces of wreckage on desert. Test pilot Lou Everett died in crash. 11:00:19 Intertitle: New York. Outdoor circus ring w/ grandstand around; MS & CUs of children from Bellevue Hospital & nurses watching clowns of Ringling Brothers Circus performing. Some kids watch from windows. Five elephants perform to applause. 11:01:18 Intertitle: Underwater Aquarium - Fish Swim Outside, Look In On People. Ferry dock; aquarium workers hauling up nets, search thru many fish for displays. CU holding baby octopus in hand. Scuba diver overboard, brings up very large octopus & puts in large bucket to haul aboard. 11:02:11 Interior of Oak Bay Aquarium w/ visitors in center & tanks around; CU of various fish & starfish, swimming octopus. CU people watching hermit crab crawling into shell & turns over. CU rat fish; seal to window Vietnam War; Military Power; VSTOL Experimental Aircraft; Dangers; Dangerous Profession; Performance; Publicity; Promotion; Trained Animals; NOTE: Oak Bay Aquarium was closed in 1992 after orca whales drowned a trainer. NOTE: Part or all sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: