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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221805-07
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1960s,1968
Country: USA
Location: Connecticut area,Manhattan,New Jersey,New York City,NYC,Stamford
TC Begins: 01:13:05
TC Ends: 01:20:15
Duration: 00:07:10
1968 - Color, USA: Stamford, Connecticut Area, Poverty vs Wealth; Manhattan. Feb68 Highway traffic, tilt up to Stamford Greenwich Ave Exit 7 1 mile sign. Slate: Stamford 27Feb68. Camera: Stratford. View along low buildings on street; rear of tenements w/ wooden porches. 01:13:35 View along street w/ traffic & parked cars. POV from car past boarded up building windows. Black men standing in doorway w/ wine truck parked behind. POV past neighborhood homes; fancy large wealthy estate homes; a few large new homes. 01:15:02 Slate: 27Feb68 Drugs Stamford Roll 12. Strathman. LS & MS Deserted brick school building w/ boarded up or broken windows behind cyclone fence. POV from car passing slowly. POV along street, past Paradise Cafe w/ neon beer signs in windows; past other small stores, a few Black pedestrians. View from rear window of moving car. 01:16:34 Large two-story school building (?) w/ one story high school building at one end. Three White high school students on sidewalk in front. 01:17:24 Town street. MS people looking at storefront; woman talking & looking at paperwork w/ man outside office building. CUs. Walk away. 01:18:42 Boys throw stick & run past trash beside building. 01:18:56 Twilight on Empire State Building tower, helicopter past; LS across Hudson River to Empire State Bldg & surrounding skyline. 01:19:13 Telephoto shot from New Jersey to Verrazano Narrows Bridge in twilight w/ ice on river & two tugs, pan to Manhattan skyscrapers & skyline pulling back to show New Jersey docks & CU ice around piers 1960s; Scenics; Poverty; NOTE: If requested will provide 01:02:34 - 01:20:15 (2 cards) at per reel rate.