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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221606-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1905
Country: USA
Location: Brooklyn,Coney Island,New York City,NYC
TC Begins: 20:06:31
TC Ends: 20:17:36
Duration: 00:11:05
Boarding School Girls Edison Co. 20:06:38 Title: The Young Ladies From Miss Knapp’s Select School Have An Outing At Coney Island, N.Y. Dozen or so teacher & girls in white dresses & hats down steps of brownstone row house w/ ornate iron fence; board large open car, put up parasols while driver / chauffeur puts steps in back. Wagon & horses past. Driving along tree lined street seen from car (?) in front. Pull up to curb in front of stores, driver helps girls jump down. 20:08:36 Teacher leads girls into amusement park; board cars in ride on tracks w/o teacher who chases after. 20:09:26 Three girls at a time slide down parallel wires, hanging from wheel; others follow, some fall linto sand pit. Teacher chases. 20:10:01 Riding hanging ring in circle while men cause it to bounce. 20:10:28 Moving stairs seen from bottom as girls try to descend, laughing & run past camera. Teacher chases. Sliding down slide into sand at bottom & running out. Running up steps & into giant drum which rolls back & forth. Helped out & escorted off by teacher. 20:12:33 Bottom of large slide w/ boats down chute into water & poled to shore. Teacher in separate car. 20:13:13 Girls run to camels, get seated & trainers help them get up. Some fall off; led past camera. 20:14:09 Bottom of circular slide & girls helped up, run off; teacher chases & slaps w/ parasol. 20:14:42 Steeplechase ride with girls, then teacher past. 20:15:02 Girls & others on high wheel bicycle ride as though pedalled merry-go-round. 20:15:24 Title: Dreamland Coney Island - Steeplechase Park Coney Island “The Funny Place” 20:15:38 Girls walking along sandy beach in bathing dresses w/ amusement park & water in background. Two men follow w/ long bathing suits. 20:15:53 Riding large swing. 20:16:25 Three girls digging in sand, cover hole w/ newspaper (?) & run off; teacher comes out & falls in & they help her out, then run into water & play in small waves. Primitive Documentary Films; Gags; Field Trip; Chase Film; 1900s; Recreation; Wealthy Society; Transportation; Amusement Park; 1905; 1900s;