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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220289-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1940s,1950s
Country: USA
Location: Brooklyn, New York City,Coney Island,NYC
TC Begins: 07:00:15
TC Ends: 07:09:40
Duration: 00:09:25
Brooklyn, U.S.A. Brooklyn from Manhattan; traffic; buildings & rooftops. High angle views & street scenes. Lofts, ethnic signs. Indian smoking pipe. Street signs, Mayor (?). Colonial houses; residential & junk man. St. signs. harbor, canal; art museum. Brooklyn College gates & buildings. Plymouth Church; statues; steeples of various churches & synagogues. Cemetery. Street scenes; stores; pawn shop; bargain shops. Brooklyn Dodgers sandwich. Vendors & carts street market; fish weighed. Tenements; stoops; laundry hanging. Houses w/ trees & wide thoroughfare. Park & horseback riding. Zoo. Family feeding animals. Botanical garden. Subway & crowds at Coney Island amusement park - roller coaster. Beach & sunbathing. Parachute drop w/ several women watched by soldier. POV on Cyclone ride & looking at people. Night & lights w/ carousel. Ebbets Field & Dodgers playing professional baseball. Fans yelling. CUs. 1940s; 1950s; New York City; NYC; Americana; Daily Life; Recreation; Leisure;