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Go to HomepageReel Number: 200380-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1959
Country: USA
TC Begins: 02:00:00
TC Ends: 02:09:40
Duration: 00:09:40
Generic Central Park - Sea Power Man reading newspaper in rowboat,second rowboat with man and two children. Wide shot across Central Park lake with rowboats. Closer shots rowboats, one with sailors and the other with three glamorous young women - smiles for cameras flirting. Shots across lake of building / skyscrapers, rowboats pass in foreground. 02:04:38 CU various naval personnel singing at services. Interior church / chapel - sailors singing. Young Sailors standing on deck of ship USS Essex 02:06:26 Interior engine room ? sailor taking readings and talking into radio transmitter. Exterior CU two sailors wearing sweatshirts marked Flight Deck Bosun / Catapult Officer. Slate USS Essex . Young sailor adjusting uniform in front of mirror - preening. Radar room - low lights green reflection of screen on radar operators face. 02:07:58 Fighter planes / jets coming in to land on deck of air craft carrier - carrying missiles. Flight deck personnel directing aircraft.