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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221214-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1960
Country: USA
Location: Africa,New York City,South America
TC Begins: 13:11:21
TC Ends: 13:20:54
Duration: 00:09:33
International Zone: The Flags Are Not Enough - The Widening Gap Part 3 of 3 United Nations / UNESCO production for UNTV with Alistair Cooke South American villagers sprayed w/ DDT, chemical powder, by masked health worker, some smile. Vox pops on street. White American men: “ would be a very desirable thing if the international arms race came to a halt...see to it that everyone in the world went to bed with a full stomach” - “I think we should take care of our own people, we’re taxed to the hilt now”. Black men interviewed: first says slave trade “crippled people of the African continent”; second says problem of underdevelopment has nothing to do with slavery. More US vox pops, White males again - “We have conditions here in our own states where people are in poverty, I think more so than abroad”. “They’ve got to grow to where we are, instead of starting from where we are”. Cutaways to interviews w/ men from developing countries: Indian ? politician “We welcome foreign aid, but I want to know, are there any strings attached?” “In the Sudan, the national income is £27pa per head; in Britain, it is about £500” - “We must develop fast, we cannot wait another 50 years”. 13:14:30 African boys in white shirts marching past King / VIPs in tribal robes on podium; girls in white dresses march past; VO re thirst for change: “Utopia by next Monday morning”. 13:15:03 Economist Barbara Ward Jackson re misuse of aid from developed countries. “I don’t think they see it as a potentially international effort to carry the revolution of science and technology and abundance to all mankind...nor frankly do I think we do enough...should devote 1% of GDP to underdeveloped world as a starting point.” 13:16:47 Untapped (?) water power. PoV from crop dusting plane. VO “The income of the underdeveloped world can be raised by a quarter in this decade if the effort to raise it is not jarred by national jealousy...” Vars shots spraying, children immunised, using new library, at school; woman in sari uses photocopier. 13:18:02 Rockets launched. VO re cost of armaments. CUs Third World kids, little boy on donkey. End titles. Postscript w/ Cooke talking re UN Development Decade - leading scientists to meet at Geneva conference to discuss new ideas to shrink “widening gap”. Third World Aid; Poverty; Charity; Economics; Politics; Development; Globalisation; Colonialism.