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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250167-21
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950
Country: Korea,USA
Location: New York City,NYC,United Naitons
TC Begins: 23:22:55
TC Ends: 23:27:25
Duration: 00:04:30
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Title. 23:23:00 Line of LSTs w/ doors opened on beach jeeps loading in; tank loaded by crane. Man cleans rifle. GIs; equipment on deck of LSTs underway. Lnading craft circling; soldiers along beach & thru city w/ dust. Officers into tent & looking at maps. 23:23:53 View along river w/ partially destroyed bridge. Demolition charges fastened to bridge; Soldiers laying mines along roadside. GIs on hillside. Swish pan... 23:24:28 Ext of Lake Success United Nations. Security Council. Jacob Malik walking w/ reporters; sitting down as President of Security Council. Warren Austin. 23:25:12 Oriental. Warren Austin SOF: The United States cannot agree that the question of Chinese representation can take precedence over the fact of armed aggression. Nor can the United States agree that the termination of aggression be made contingent on other issues. So long as men are dying on the battlefield in defense of the United Nations this council will not wish to cheapen their suffering, or sully their heroism by seeming to engage in the consideration of deals.” 23:26:08 Vote being taken by show of hands. Swish pan... 23:26:22 Police in street & on horseback trying to contain Communist demonstrators. MCU woman talking (MOS) to camera. Police knocking demonstrators from poles & signs & beating them at Union Square, Men fighting on top of street light at East 13th street; Arrests. 1950; Korean War; Aug50; Communist Demonstrations; Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: