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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221517-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1959
Country: USA
Location: New York City
TC Begins: 04:13:17
TC Ends: 04:14:10
Duration: 00:00:53
New York (Motion Picture Preview - Sapphire) 04:13:20 Ext. Night w/ marquee lights on Sutton movie theater w/ banner announcing preview of J. Arthur Rank Pictures film. Crowd on sidewalk. 04:13:29 MCU Red Buttons & wife; Hermione Gingold w/ Christopher Hewitt; Edward Mulhare; Yolanda Betbeze & Jeffrey Lyon; Nancy Berg & Geoffrey Horn; Nancy Olson; Sidney Blackburn. 04:14:06 LS across street. Hollywood Self-Promotion;