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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220926-09
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1940s,1950s
Country: USA
Location: DC,Delaware River,New York City,NYC,Pennsylvania,Times Square,Valley Forge,Washington
TC Begins: 12:42:18
TC Ends: 12:51:01
Duration: 00:08:43
Pedestrians; Washington Monuments; Troops March; United Nations Parade Low angle, legs walk past camera & pedestrians (views of stockings, socks, high heels, handbags etc). Man & woman meet & walk along Fifth Ave. Other pedestrians, cars, buses. 12:43:24 NYC cop directing traffic, man asks policeman direction. Crowds past camera. 12:45:15 Washington DC Capitol building thru cherry blossoms. Capitol at night lit up. 12:46:19 NYC skyline with lights. Daytime, sidewalk outside Grand Central Station; crowds, w/ cars passing on raised street. 12:47:25 Lighted Times Square signs at night. MCU of moving light bulb signs (Chevrolet, Kinsey Whiskey, Ruppert Beer, etc). 12:48:32 Capitol dissolving w/ other monuments. Various troops marching at West Point & elsewhere. 12:49:12 George Washington crossing Delaware. Abe Lincoln. Military parade in NYC; troops marching down avenue; United Nations Week banner. Uniformed women marching with various nations flags. Reviewing stand UN Week Jun 19th - 20th (195?) & large crowd listening to speakers. 1950s; Patriotism; Street Scenes;