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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220938-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1948
Country: USA
Location: esopus,Harlem,New York,New York City,NYC,Wiltwyck School
TC Begins: 01:01:13
TC Ends: 01:21:51
Duration: 00:20:38
The Quiet One Pt. 1 of 3 Film Documents Inc. Dir. Sidney Meyers; Scr. Helen Levitt, Janice Loeb, Sidney Meyers w/ James Agee; Prod. Janice Loeb W/ Estelle Evans, Sadie Stockton, Donald Thompson; Narr. Gary Merrill Academy Award/Oscar nominations: Best Documentary Feature, 1949; Best Story/Screenplay 1950 01:02:28 Nature shots; boys in bushes whistling; Black boy blowing bubble w/ gum; other boys playing; young Black boy Donald Peters on tree trunk by river. (Psychiatrist does VO) CU boy w/ sunglasses reading mail. Donald plays cards w/ man by river. 01:05:39 Black boy w/ mailbag approaches Wiltwyck School for Boys at Esopus, NY & passes letters thru broken window to boys in schoolroom; Black female teacher w/ student. VS children in schoolroom; all but one Black. CU teacher writes on blackboard. 01:08:06: CUs boy’s face & family photo w/ father’s head out of shot. Poor NYC ghetto streets, Donald’s grandmother searches for him; various Blacks. Grandmother shouts at Donald as he climbs stairs; plays cat’s cradle w/ string & scolded by grandmother; “Bad blood, like I always said, and I know who he’s got it from.” 01:11:51 Grandmother whips him w/ belt; makes peanut butter sandwich; Donald washes face; grandmother pours him milk while putting belt back on. CU Donald drinking milk. 01:13:48 Streets of NYC Harlem ghetto, kids going to school past large sign board for Kellogg’s Rice Krispies. Donald w/ grandmother; arrives at school then runs away. Pan Donald wanders poor neighborhood streets. Whites & Blacks, shop fronts, old men on steps, women w/ children; smoking. Men at work, unload sofa from truck, chop ice under elevated subway. 01:17:47 Donald at window of barber shop; CU men have haircuts. Man w/ sunglasses appears. Donald crosses street w/ bus and cars. 01:19:31 Donald on sofa, bored; looks at painting and family pics. Whips hand w/ belt; eats bread; steals money from purse in drawer & cup on shelf. Poverty; Ghettos; Child counselling; Psychiatry / psychology; Youth; Depression; Rejection; Ethnic; Cities; Sociology; Americana; 1940s; Unemployed;